Below the green main menu you see the pathline (displayed in small, grey letters). The pathline always shows you which area of the platform you are currently in. For example: This instruction is in Structure > usage of platform > 5 steps. The last position in the pathline, shows you the title of the fact you are viewing. In this case "step 1 - instructions". If you want to jump to a higher level in the hierarchy, simply click on a level in the pathline. For our momentary purposes, click on „Structure“. Now, you see a list of all folders on the platform. Choose "Internal Working Area", then "Other Material" and finally "Team" by clicking on it. You should be in the folder „Partner“ now. Choose "add" next to the folder`s title.
Now, the system asks you to enter a title, a shortname and a description for the folder you are about to create. Please, use your full name as a title (eg. Max Harnoncourt). The shortname will be displayed in the pathline and must not be longer than 20 characters. If your full name exceeds the allowed maximum, simply use your last name as a short name. If you want to, you can add a description for your folder in the input field "top description" or "bottom description". Descriptions are displayed above (top description) or below (bottom description) the list of content items as soon as you open the folder. If you click on the checkbox "previous/next", a link to the previous/next content item (called "fact") in your folder will be displayed. This allows you to conveniently jump from one fact to the next (see example below).
Now, you will have to set the permissions for your folder. Permissions allow you to control who is able to read and/or edit your folder. In case of folders, three different permissions are distinguished: (1) Read-permitted users are only able to see the folder. (2) Work-permitted users are allowed to create content in your folder. (3) Modify-permitted users are allowed to change the title, shortname and description of your folder. Permissions can be assigned to groups of users. The group „universe“ includes everyone who has not logged in. The „main group“ includes everyone who registers and logs in on the platform but does not necessarily have anything to do with the project. These two groups are automatically created by the system. The groups „system administration“, "project partners" and „coordination“ have been created by your platform administrator Max Harnoncourt. „System administration“ comprises all platform administrators. Users in „project partners“ and "coordination" are persons who are directly connected to the research project (eg. project team members) and have been manually authorized to view classified content on the platform. As you will see, you are offered a pre-selection. In order to adapt (add, reduce) permissions, simply click in the respective checkboxes. Please note, you cannot adapt permissions for the group "coordination" (checks displayed in green colour). After you have set the permissions for your folder, click „preview“.
A preview of your folder is generated. (a) If you want to change anything, click „edit this folder“ in the left column. (b) If you are satisfied with the preview, click on „publish“ otherwise nobody except you will see the folder Click „next >>“ to continue. This is the end of step 1 of our "5 steps to platform expertise" training programme. |